Ocean Express CR

We Transport Your Maritime, Air, and Land Cargo

We are a company dedicated to providing a personalized service.

Get to know some of our partners:

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Personalized Service: Over 20 Years of History

We are a company committed to providing personalized and high-quality international cargo transportation services. We guide our clients in the export and import of their goods, assisting them in making the best decisions: secure, cost-effective, and tailored to their needs.We also offer customs clearance, cargo nationalization services, and parcel shipments.

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Dedication to Excellence and Service

At Ocean Express CR, we specialize in tailored international cargo transportation solutions. With a global network of trusted partners and a focus on personalized service, we ensure that your shipments reach their destination with care and efficiency.



International Cargo Transportation

We provide comprehensive solutions for air, sea, and land transportation to and from around the world, connecting Costa Rica to the global trade network.



Merchandise Nationalization

We streamline customs processes, allowing a seamless transition from the arrival of cargo at Costa Rican fiscal warehouses to its final destination.

package delivery


Parcel Services

We offer specialized parcel services for smaller shipments, ensuring careful handling and timely deliveries tailored to your logistical needs.

Our Experience in Numbers


Years of Service


Successful Deliveries


Connected Countries



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Why Choose Us

We prioritize your satisfaction and convenience through our commitment to personalized service.

Expert Guidance for Your Specific Needs

With over two decades in the market, we have advised numerous clients, providing customized solutions that optimize their international logistics processes.

Detailed and Updated Shipment Tracking

Every day, we monitor and update the status of multiple shipments, ensuring your merchandise moves smoothly from origin to destination and keeping you informed throughout the process.

Flexibility to Adapt to Your Changing Requirements

In a constantly evolving business world, our flexibility means adjusting our services to meet your changing needs, ensuring a seamless flow of merchandise

Swift Response to Your Inquiries and Requirements

Our efficient structure, personnel, and processes enable us to respond quickly to your inquiries and requirements, offering timely solutions to meet your logistical demands.

Do you wish to get in touch?

Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or inquiries you may have, and we'll be sure to promptly connect with you.